It's Good to GO Green

Always Driving For the Green

With a legacy spanning 70 years, E‑Z‑GO has consistently answered the call for innovation. Whether it's on the course, by the lake, or anywhere along the way, we have always been committed to keeping our green spaces green. From day one, E-Z-GO has been doing its part by investing in technologies that are as sustainable as they are efficient. As leaders in golf carts and technology, our commitment to reducing the environmental impact of our products is stronger today than ever.

Leading Lead-Free

Efficiency drives sustainability. Our ELiTE™ Lithium vehicles forgo outdated lead-acid batteries in favor of Samsung's SDI lithium battery technology to provide not only top-level performance but also the cleanest way forward.

RXV ELiTE Life Cycle Assessment
Two women drive an E-Z-GO golf cart down a neighborhood street.

Gas-Powered with Purpose

When your situation calls for gas power, E-Z-GO’s EX1 answers with increased efficiency and best-in-class fuel economy. With 40% fewer emissions than our closest competitor, EX1 gets more go out of every tank. 

RXV EX1 Life Cycle Assessment

Become a Green Ambassador

Interested in starting your sustainability journey? Already a sustainability leader? Join the E-Z-GO Green Ambassador Program, where you’ll be a part of a community of other sustainability-minded courses to help make the game of golf greener.

A hand inserting the ELiTE lithium charger into their E-Z-GO golf cart.

Member Benefits

Members can access quarterly webinars related to different sustainability initiatives on the course, along with a resource database that can help provide funding options for funding green projects on the course.

2023 Sustainability Report

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